Food Facts & Lore

12 Songs With Food Titles

Catching lunch to the sound of bagpipes at the New Hampshire Highland Games when a nearby venue errupted into ancient songs boasting of great battles, with a touch of pillaging and whiskey drinking thrown in the mix. What thoughts cross the mind in such instances? Well, if you happen to have an article due on Monday for 158 Main, you might sit there wondering if there are as many songs about food as there are about drink.

Suffice it to say that there are more songs with food themes than there are forks and knives in a restaurant. It is also interesting to note that most food themed songs, as far as titles go anyway, are about breakfast foods, iconic foods, fast food, fruits or sweets. This makes perfect sense when you consider that songs typically reflect culture. Take ZZ Top’s “TV Dinners,” for example. That title alone conjures up an entire era and mood.

Food can lend flavor to songs like no other thing because so many underlying meanings can be intended from the mere mention of a dish. Taken at face value, it brings the listener to a sweet comfort zone. The following titles were selected randomly. You may know some of the songs so well that you could sing them from start to finish without missing a beat, or you’ll feel like running to the kitchen to fix a snack (got any leftover JPD pizza in the fridge?) before looking them up on You Tube. Here are 12 food titled songs to nibble on.

Buttered Popcorn – The Supremes
Big Cheese – Nirvana
Candy Store – Madonna
Passionfruit – Drake
Strawberry Fields Forever – The Beatles
Banana Pancakes – Jack Johnson
Blueberry Hill – Fats Domino
Chocolate Drops – Iggy Pop
Custard Pie – Led Zepplin
Peaches and Cream – Snoop Dog
Birthday Cake – Rihanna
Cheeseburger in Paradise – Jimmy Buffett
Bonus…and our favorite… Eggs Over Easy – Steel Magnolia

Now, the fine print: We o not know all the lyrics to these songs or the language used to convey the intended message or flavors. Sensitive ears beware, should you look them up.