Family time, Meal Time Games, Table Talk

Table Talk 35

Table Talk #35 - If you could trade places with someone you know or admire, who would it be and why? It could be a neighbor, a teacher, or even your parents or children. You may think you would handle a situation better than they have, or you may imagine that you want to see… Continue reading Table Talk 35

Family time, Meal Time Games, Table Talk

Table Talk 34

Table Talk #34 - If you were part of a team whose responsibility it was to come up with questions for a national opinion poll, what question or questions would you want to include and why? Have fun with this. Got an idea for a Table Talk topic? Let us know! Think and discuss over… Continue reading Table Talk 34

Family time, Meal Time Games, Table Talk

Table Talk 33

Table Talk #33 - This one can lead to hilarious moments. Invite everyone around the table to make up a name using a pizza ingredient and the name of the street they grew up on. These will form a new, most likely awkward name. This is where the talking begins. Imagine and talk about who… Continue reading Table Talk 33